A quick history of the evolution of civic power
Once we were free, feral and tribal. We traded among our tribes using gift exchange and bartered with enemies and strangers.
Then Pharaohs and their equivalents began enslaving some of us, making others wealthy and yet others priestly. As well as using shackles, bull whips and prisons, they used debt to maintain control.
For a time, slaves were indentured to their masters. Then came a time, when free from slavery, serfs were indentured to the land which in turn was enclosed and owned by their masters. After that, people became subjects who, as long as they pledged allegiance to their King or Queen, were free of slavery and serfdom. Eventually, the divine right of kings was usurped and we all became consumers with allegiance to ourselves and the marketplace in interchangeable order. Neighbours retreated from the public realm into the domain of private satisfaction.
We believe the next epoch is that of citizenship where citizens have allegiance to each other and the commons. That chapter has yet to be written, though we’re seeing some early glimpses of it.
It can’t come soon enough! Onwards!
Cormac Russell
Kane Dodgson
Oh i do like this would it be possible to reproduce it on my new project if i back link it to you and place an authors bio on it? Ive just built a community web portal for blackpool uk to share community story debate, asset and groups and tools and resources, im looking to populate it with good solid educational content before i lunch it more officially
Shaun Burnett
Hey Kane, we’re glad that the blog resonates for you. Could you email me at shaun@nurturedevelopment.org to discuss this in more detail? Speak soon. Shaun