What is a Bumping Space?
This is a Guest Blog from Glyn Butcher (@glynbutcher/@pfgdoncaster)
Today I was asked this question and it got me thinking.
Bumping Spaces are places in the community where we naturally bump into each other, they are our communal spaces, gathering places. A trusted environment where we spend time together, share space together, be in relationships together and walk beside each other. Bumping Spaces Are places where we can be in conversation with one another, but more importantly hear one another.
Bumping Spaces are places where we can make friends, share our thoughts and feelings together and be empowered to find the answers and solutions to solve our own problems within our communities acknowledging everyone’s gifts and that everyone is an asset within their community.
Bumping Spaces are places where we can do like minded things together, share our dreams together, show each other what it means to be human as we welcome the stranger, but through our time together they go out leaving as friends.
At Bumping Spaces we are both the helper and the helped, we share our new skills and abilities together, our cultures, our histories looking for what’s strong, not focusing on what’s wrong through the power of peer support, celebrating difference and embracing change. Bumping Spaces are a whole lot of magic.
I know through personal experience recovery starts in our communities, not in our institutions. I’ve witnessed real people’s lives change in front of my eyes. That is the power of bumping spaces and that’s the power of community. Social Action in Action.
My Hope Is That Bumping Spaces rise up in every community, that members of their community see themselves as powerful community assets and they take back power and control over their communities, villages, towns and cities.